Hello Yuki, Mariko, Risa
we are abhinav and vinay of class VII.
I like Shri Lal Bahadur Shastri. Every Indian like and love him. He was born on 2nd October 1904. His father was a school teacher. His father had died when he was just a child. His grandfather brought him up. When he was young, he took part in politics. He wanted to make India free. He fought for India’s freedom. When India became free he was made Railway Minister. There after he became Home Minister. In 1964, when Jawaharlal Lal Nehru, the Prime Minister of India died, then he became the Prime Minister of India. He gave India a slogan ‘Jai Jawan Jai Kisaan’( a salute to a soldier and a farmer). He was very simple person. He died in Taskand, when he was in USSR to sign a treaty between India and Pakistan.

I like him because he was very brave, honest and simple person.
I like Bhagat Singh because he taught the Indian not to be slaves of British by sacrificing his life at a very young age. He was a revolutionary. He was hanged to death.

We have so many leaders in the past who fought for the Independence and those who contributed in making modern India. We also have many living leaders like Dr. Manmohan Singh, Prime Minister Of India , Dr. Abdul Kalam, former President of India etc.
We would also like to know about the leaders you remember mostly.
1 件のコメント:
Thank you very much!
I heard first time those name.
We were interested in them.
So, we want to know more particular about those people.
I like Ichiro Suzuki.
Now, he is a Japanese outfielder for the Seattle Mariners major league baseball team.
He makes an effort steadily.
So, many Japanese baseball players are able to play in U.S.A owe to his success.
He is a hero in Japan.